InMystic MindsbyWilliam AdamsGrow-Up, Wake-Up, Clean-Up, and Show Up, for Authentic Transformation“Full spiritual Transformation is a runway lying ahead of us and open to all”Jul 12, 20242Jul 12, 20242
InILLUMINATIONbyVelvetstar64TEARS!!“I have cried until the tears no longer come; my heart is broken, my spirit poured out, as I see what has happened to my people; little…Jul 5, 202415Jul 5, 202415
InBackyard ChurchbyDan FosterHow to Create a Spiritual Community Where People Feel Safe To ShareCultivating a Culture of Honest Dialogue In the ChurchJun 30, 202415Jun 30, 202415
Pierz Newton-JohnThe Enlightened Plumber: Grounding the SpiritualAn aeon ago, at the start of my adult life, I dropped out of a science-law degree and entered a tumultuous period of spiritual seeking.Jun 1, 202414Jun 1, 202414
InThe Writers Fight ClubbyAlberto García 🚀🚀🚀I Destroyed My Life by Engaging in a Christian Spiritual PracticeSince then, I haven’t slept with anyone for years.Dec 23, 202332Dec 23, 202332
Renuka GavraniBut Death Is Not Kind To Everyone: A Story of RegretShe didn’t know how long it had been but it felt like an eternity, like an entire age had passed by right before her eyes and she couldn’t…May 29, 202410May 29, 202410
InBUHUBbyEmy KnazovicI Kept Being Rejected Until This Happened…What I’ve learned from receiving 43 No’s before I heard a Yes…May 23, 202442May 23, 202442
InBackyard ChurchbyDan FosterPouring Out and Pressing On: Finding Hope in ExhaustionLessons from a Biblical mother who found herself at the end of her ropeMay 11, 20244May 11, 20244
InThe Writers Fight ClubbyAlberto García 🚀🚀🚀My Manifestation Power Didn’t Work Until I Understood ThisFour things may be sabotaging your attraction power.Feb 11, 202457Feb 11, 202457
InBackyard ChurchbyDan FosterHere is Why Your Church Will Die Within the Next Five Years100,000 churches will close within a generation. Will yours be one of them?May 2, 202479May 2, 202479
InBackyard ChurchbyJames GómezIf Jesus Literally Ascended Into Heaven He’d Still Not Be Out of Our GalaxyModern biblical scholarship has demonstrated that Luke does not take Jesus’s ascension literally, nor was it his intent for us to.Apr 24, 202415Apr 24, 202415